December 21st, 2010
Class activities for Tuesday, December 21
Spelling: None today.
Cursive: Ten cursive sentences of seven or more words each are due on Fridays. There is no cursive assignment this week.
Reading: We read two books about Hanukkah and the dreidel game, and we played the dreidel game. At tomorrow’s fiesta, we will be playing a very similar game called Toma Todo, which is a six-sided top compared to the four-sided dreidel. Special thanks to Dylan’s grandmother who provided the books, dreidels and gelt (Tootsie Rolls)!
Writing: None today due to technology.
Our next piece of writing, a fiction piece, will be due Wednesday, January 19.
Math: We reviewed calculating the sum of the interior angles of a polygon and students completed a MiniQuiz.
Science: We reviewed the clinical trial simulation experiment from yesterday. Homework is to finish the Analysis questions on pp. 14-15.
Social Studies: Students completed a test about routes of exploration.
- Yellow magnets: 0
- Orange magnets: 0
- Red magnets: 0
- STAR Awards: 0
- Magnets moved this week (goal: 10): 0
Check your student’s Personal and Social Growth grade at SnapGrades to see if your student moved their magnet. Need help with SnapGrades?
- Our Mexican Fiesta party is tomorrow, Wednesday, December 22, from 8:45-noon. Family members are needed to help with food preparations, set up, cleanup, and with the piñata. We also need help with food donations. Click here to see our volunteer list and add your name to the bottom if you are attending.
- View or edit the “Paper and Coffee” juice volunteer list.
- View our class calendar.
- View grades, assignments, and attendance at SnapGrades.
Our Mission:
Every student in Room 130 leaves improved and prepared for 6th grade.